Hindi Duty Belt S.A.F.E.T.Y. System DVD

FACT: When you become involved in a physical life or death altercation, how you have placed and positioned your equipment on your duty belt, WILL have a direct affect on your ability to survive that altercation.
Realizing that most officer injuries, deaths, department liability and individual officer excessive force related issues, arise from ill-placed equipment, officer Hindi saw the need for a better duty belt equipment configuration system and produced the Hindi Duty Belt Safety System 45 min. DVD. Hindi's system is now being used in training and is hailed world wide, as the best, most efficient duty belt equipment deployment system ever developed in the world of law enforcement today. Officer Hindi believes that an un-tested, un-researched method or school of thought, regarding equipment duty belt carry and/or deployment should have no place determining duty belt equipment configurations. Why? Because, theres no room for errors on the street, and an officers life is on the line. Officer Hindi believes "Seeing Is believing" and "Actions speak louder then words", when determining what the best duty belt system looks like" and that's why he created this "MUST SEE" DVD. This dvd easily speaks for itself, by convincingly demonstrating with lightning speed and precision, reveals how simple it is to set-up, access and deploy ,in a moments notice, all your immediate life-saving equipment [firearm, magazines, baton, taser, pepper spray, handcuffs, radio and pac mic] with ... EITHER HAND when YOUR LIFE DEPENDS ON IT!
This system's two handed accessing features are built directly into it, providing you with unparalleled, multi-equipment deployment options and alternative that were NEVER BEFORE POSSIBLE and can increase your survival related performance by 50% ..or more! This dvd system's deployment capabilities have been witnessed and approved of by millions of officers world wide at the nationally acclaimed and renowned Calibre Press "Street Survival" Seminars and at the Hindi Duty Belt Training Seminars. This system comes highly endorsed and recommended by "top" use of force experts and medical professionals. Many officers today, do not know of a "best" way of carrying their equipment because nobody's ever shown them a best way.....until now! You must watch this dvd and see for your self why this system is being hailed by other force on force experts as being the best duty belt deployment system ever developed.